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Snowdrop Walk on Auburn Avenue


Many thanks to Change X (who recently funded another exciting project for CTT in Castleknock village).

We have just purchased 3,000 Galanthus Elwesii (snowdrop bulbs). Thanks to Fiona, the first 2,300 bulbs were delivered and sorted into bags to share the bulbs out. A CTT team then planted under 27 trees. The trees on Auburn Avenue are actually numbered (who knew?) making it easy to keep track of where the bulbs have been planted. The next 700 bulbs will be delivered and planted soon so 37 trees altogether (from the Castleknock Road end of Auburn Avenue down towards Church Green) will have snowdrop bulbs planted around their bases.

So, watch out for those snowdrops peeping up early in 2023, welcoming Spring.

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