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We all need to minimize waste and move to circular living where possible. Every action counts. Circular Living is a framework to rethink how to consume less. Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle as a last resort. Castleknock CommunityCycle supports circular living in Castleknock and surrounding areas. Castleknock CommunityCycle is a Facebook page designed to

• Pass on your unwanted preloved stuff, by giving it away for free.

• Extend the lifespan of your stuff through reuse and repurpose.
• Reduce our carbon footprint. Rethink... Don’t buy new.

• Avoid Landfill

• Positive Climate action


Join the Castleknock CommunityCycle Members Page and join the reuse revolution! Do a little to support circular living and minimizing waste Community Composting: Recycling our green waste and regenerating the soil Community Composting:
• Reduce green waste
• Plan for Selective Clearing to protect potential impact on wildlife habitats, biodiversity and balance with a tidy appearance
• Only cut back 10% of ivy unless it causes a safety issue (William O’ Halloran from Wildworks) Why? Provides food, shelter
and wildlife corridor
• Our beautiful first flower of the season… Dandelions- are the first food for insects after hibernation and unlike most other
plants, have pollen AND nectar. ‘Sorry for the weeds, I’m feeding the bees’
• Identify Some No Dig Edging locations- a balanced approach (Avoid excessive soil disturbance during the clean ups to
protect soil structure, regenerate the soil and retain water* ) Why? Keeps Carbon in the soil and not in the air.
• Recycle our green waste into our Leaf Mould, Compost and Loam Bays installed throughout Castleknock
• Reduce one tonne bags of green waste collected by Fingal County Council saving COâ‚‚ emissions.

Waste & Circular Economy

Make a Donation: Get Involved
Zero waste - Self-assessment.png
Zero Waste - Actions.png
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