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  • castleknocktidytowns

Weekly Sat Clean Up - 9th Sept '23

Collecting fallen leaves and planting bulbs! Despite the day feeling like hot summer, the tasks added more than a touch of Autumn. A fine crew of willing CTT volunteers made their way to Auburn Avenue together. One half of the team began work clearing the paths, collecting fallen leaves and cutting back the path verges. All the leaves collected were delivered to the waiting CTT leaf bays.

Meanwhile, the second half of volunteers planted 1,900 snowdrop bulbs under the trees further along the Avenue. Creative solutions were found by some, to do the dibbing. When added to the 1,100 bulbs planted earlier in the week by the CTT gardening group, it means that 3,000 snowdrop bulbs were planted, under 40 trees. When added to the 44 trees which had bulbs underplanted in 2022, CTT volunteers have now planted snowdrop bulbs under 84 trees on Auburn Avenue. Next year, the remaining 40 trees will have bulbs added and that will complete the 3-year Snowdrop Walk project.

Also the 'no mow' area at the Park Avenue Orchard was finally given a mow to give it a chance to green up before the coming dormant months. Lovely to see the bench there is being used so often!

Well done to everyone who put in the effort on Saturday. Thank you!

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